Christine Lagarde, the
Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund at the World Economic
Forum in Davos last week explaining the connection that gender equality has
with economic growth put forth, “But you will ask what it has to do with
economy. It is indeed about economy and equality and bringing in prosperity.
Gender inequality is very important and the policy makers have not paid enough
attention to it. The fact is when women do better the country does better and
policy makers need to understand this. The IMF Chief was of course harping on
the ill-treatment and status of women in the Indian subcontinent. However Swami
Vivekananda more than one hundred years ago in his message on women empowerment
wrote, “All nations have attained greatness by paying proper respect to women.
That country and that nation which do not respect women have never become
great, nor will ever be in future” (Vol. 7: Conversations and Dialogues: From
the Diary of a Disciple: XVIII). Much before that Manu among the earliest known
rishis of the Indus Valley civilisation and who can very safely be classified
to have lived more than five thousand years ago had stated, “Yatra naryastu
pujyante ramante tatra devatah” – the gods are pleased where the women are held
in esteem. Very consistently the principle of equality and respect for women
has been in existence in India since ages and so also its connection to
development and prosperity which is undeniable.
Since the time he had lived
in caves man has clearly understood that he cannot exist without the women and
to put it bluntly he exists only because of the women. Concepts like family and
marriage were put in place simultaneously along with village and nation. When a
nation is safe and happy a village is safe and happy, when a village is safe
and happy a family is safe and happy and when a family is safe and happy every
individual is safe and happy. Every family, village and nation is made up of
man and women and their roles as equals was well acknowledged. But sadly all
men and women are not of the same mental and emotional makeup. Some are weak,
psychologically immature and emotionally insecure. Thus came in distinctions of
class, caste, duties, gender, social norms, speech, dress code, ease of
movement and many others.
The task of maintaining a
fine balance between the natural and higher state of gender equality and the unnatural
and weak tendencies of distinctions was caste on the policy makers in the
society who inadvertently were the rich and the powerful. Unfortunately whenever
this category of individuals succumbed to emotional and material greed and
allowed corruption to seep into social behavior and practices, the balance was
disturbed and people suffered. From the top, corrupt practices percolate to the
lower rungs of society. When war, murder and theft become unchallenged and rampant
it disturbed the lives of ordinary people pushing them into instability for
both life and living condition. To evade some of these pains society and groups
like the Khap Panchayats in India start making stricter and crazier caste and gender
based distinctions.
This craziness is the
present situational story in India. The short sightedness of the powerful class
since independence has badly impacted the entire society in India over the
decades. Most (and not all) of the politicians and the industrialists have
behaved as if there would be no tomorrow. Their behavior has been in total
betrayal of trust and faith in themselves and in humanity. As a result today hurt,
anger and also despair can be seen in the eyes of the middle and lower class
Indian and this has therefore lead to more crime of which some are also against
women. A plain assessment of ground realities drives home the conclusion that
today India has become a country of rapists The Delhi gang rape in December is
not a one-off incident but such crimes have become so common that finally this
time people were exasperated. Their ire was against the lack of sensitivity
amongst the political class to the consequence of their action as well as
inaction. It is apparent that the political parties in India and their
politicians have lost their relevance in the present time; they have lost all
connectivity with the needs of the people and serve more as a pain in the arse
and also as a source of entertainment.
India too revers its mothers and sisters, wish to see them flourish in
their chosen field of endeavor. However the corruption perpetrated in society
needs to be reversed, crime has to be controlled and criminal justice has to be
addressed. The onus of this responsibility lies on the shoulders of the rich
and the powerful alone. They have to understand the consequence of their
actions on society and therefore take remedial measures while there is still time.
Gender inequality is not the cause of the problem but a symptom of the ills of