Sunday, October 21, 2018

MOLECULES OF LIFE (Wondering At Dwali)

Water rains towards the ground, on the mountains below,
Doesn’t fuse into the soil and rocks, but dislodges them,
Hurtling them further below, changing into new colours,
They slide together further and further below,
Noisy, it could be a friendly banter or a bitter fight,
All follow the rule of gravity, the magnetism,
It isn’t easy to resist its embrace,
Wonder how this possessive love arose,
The origin of this emotion, and its depth,
Does it follow a superior rule Bo?

Life is the energy where,
Employing the molecules of water and the molecules of air,
The tiny molecules of cells activates the seeds of growth,
Similar molecules of cells bind and extend into shapes and sizes,
From the humble grass and tiny insects,
Offering themselves to be devoured by a more radical species,
Big insects prey on the tiny, and in turn become food for the birds,
Who pollinate the flowers, making way for varied plants,
Which are consumed by the herbivores, who attract the carnivores, 
This evolution of molecules and the predator victim drama,
Has been continuous since the beginning of time,
Who arrived first, the molecule of water or air or cells,
How did they learn to thrive together,
Are these interdependent pieces of a single life energy,
What is this evolving energy that changes every nanosecond,
Why does it not rest or do something unexpected,
Does it also follow a superior rule Bo?

The current leader amongst the species,
The modern Human, is also a play of the molecules,
An insignificant spec in this enormous changing energy field,
Some alteration in some vague molecules could also spell its doom,
Whereas the life energy would still persist after it,
Yet human ego permits it to believe,
To be different, superior, independent and irrespective of everything,
To be able to survive outside of this environment,
Is it foolish fantasy or a deliberate part of the evolution of molecules,
Has any part of life energy escaped its fierce love,
Do such life energies exist elsewhere in the universe,
Is all of it a single entity of energy,
What is the source of this energy and how long has it been there,
Does it follow a superior rule Bo?

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