Sunday, February 10, 2019


The history of the human species, while living on this planet, has taken several twists and turns. Our curiosity to understand and make a sense of our lives within and without is astoundingly enormous. We have experimented on so many fronts, starting with tools for hunting of wild animals, gathering of various forest produce for food to cultivating trees and plants, managing and using fire, winning and losing wars, staying in communities, systems of governance, creating economic policies, developing medicinal drugs, the list is unending. While we have deciphered quite a lot, yet when we look at the rest of what is around us, we realise that what we know is only a miniscule portion of the entire knowledge which the universe holds in its embrace. As a species we continue to make marginal progress on several fronts even though it may appear that we have come a very long way since the time we were cave dwellers. In this and the following chapter, it is my intention to flag certain facts, highlight them in a way so that we ponder over them, and which would show us that the path which we have taken is wrought with blunders.

We desperately need Sustainable Economic Solutions:

Economics is the field of knowledge which studies and predicts human behaviour in relation to generation of income, utilisation of resources and creation of wealth. It talks of humanity as a single unit and not each individual per-se. Therefore while every individual is permitted to behave in a slightly different manner, a study of their combined movement would depict a certain specific trend. When such known trends are mapped to prodding and specific stimulus the resultant predictions take the form of economic theories. Unfortunately all our combined human wisdom over the millennium has never considered or evaluated sustainable existence. When economists discuss sustainable economics, they imagine and take for granted that materialistic growth can be sustained indefinitely provided certain criteria are constant available and matched for example the rate of inflation, perineal availability of resources and perineal desire for wealth. Some very common understandings are ignored like the exploitation of certain resources causes imbalance in the environment adversely impacting living conditions, that the pursuit of wealth is merely greed and does not result in happiness.  Our materialistic economic policies have to change. We need to wade away from current policies that exploit. Discard them. Why are we juggling with fanciful ideas of growth and GDP, trade and commerce, financial and military strength, when we continue to have people struggling below the poverty line, homeless and hungry, tired and depressed, unhappy and stressed out? Why is it that even the most developed country cannot get itself rid of its poor? Mind well that I am not referring to the poor migrants. Why is it that in every country the rich continue to become richer and the wedge between the poor and the rich continues to widen? We humans have become insensitive to the point of selfishness that we equate the weak and the helpless to lazy and unimaginative. We humans consider that poverty is the deserved end result of being non-productive, ignoring the truth that our policies are bent to favour the cunning opportunist, the sharp corrupter, and those fortunate to be born into facilities. We humans are under the impression that there no limit to growing rich, but where do we find wealth making us happy. We humans encourage desires and dreams which are specifically focused towards exploitation of other humans and the natural resources that support us, but we have never stopped to acknowledge that we are cutting at own feet. We are all sabotaging our existence, marching towards self-destruction. The entire definition of development needs a shift from materialistic objectives to sustainable living objectives.

The right wing view point subscribers across the world are on the rise currently, nationalism and protectionism of small groups is a fear induced theory which is steeped in nostalgia of the past. Their time under the sun could be short lived. The future is going to be held by those subscribers who would look at humanity as a whole and try to work solutions for the planet instead of continents. They would have to soon take over.

Our immediate concern is that our economists should develop economic theories that maps unending human desires against scarce and limited resources, that maps all human desires to sustainable – non-sustainable categories and discourages the latter, that maps exceptional individual talent and capability to a respectable living conditions for all, that maps the cost-benefit of human activity to its impact on the environment, that stimulate and encourage enthusiastic sharing instead of forceful taxes, that prize and reward happiness instead of wealth.

Let us be more than individuals:

Each one of us needs to ask ourselves a simple rational question, why do we consider ourselves independent and individual, why are we not thinking about ourselves collectively as a species? Why do we assume that individually we can survive and it is not necessary to imagine a collective existence? If that had been correct, we could have atleast had a few dinosaurs walking with us today. Each one of us have become a narcissist and extremely narrow-minded. This has made us irresponsible in the pursuit of our desires, we have scant respect for the environment that sustains us, and it has become inconsequential for us that our individual actions impacts the environment and all other life forms directly and indirectly. Honestly and yet sadly, our behaviour on this planet has become like that of an alien coloniser, a foreigner from outer space who expects to go back home after mining this planet of all its resources.

Even if we don’t realise it we have to acknowledge that this planet is not our personal property. Infact the concept of ownership of land has misled us into believing that we can do anything we want with it. We need to accept that we share this planet with scores of other species lining on the land, in the sea and in the air. We are responsible to keep this planet intact and viable for other creatures, like the insects, animals, birds, fishes, plants, trees and also micro-organisms like bacteria, to survive.  Over the ages we have never given any major importance to such a thought. We fight with animals over forest land and easily dispose them off instead of curtailing our needs. We have cut and destroyed trees to make furniture and paper instead of restricting our needs. We have breed birds and animals to kill them just to feed ourselves instead of curbing our appetite.  We have polluted the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel instead of limiting our desires.

We give so much of prominence to the satisfaction and fulfilment of our individual desires that we have waged war with our own kind over land, power and gold. Such has been the strength of our irresponsible attitude that it isn’t too hard to imagine that in the immediate future we could be once again going to war against ourselves over shortage of liveable habitats and water just to survive. When it comes to gratification of our desires, there are no full-stops. Our recklessness and arrogance has brought about situations where our survival is at stake, and when it comes to survival we think very individualistically. Today we can witness our narrowmindedness which has brought forth protectionism and the refusal to accept migrants, building up tension internationally.

There is a desperate need to consider a U-turn on our thinking and our policies. Let each one of us aspire to be a better human, willing to sacrifice our personal cravings for the common good of all creatures partaking this planet with us.

Understand nature, understand the nature of energy.

Primarily we humans need to markdown ourselves, our self-importance and ego. We need to scale down our pomposity.  We consider ourselves as all powerful on this planet. It could come as a shock to an average human if he is explained that at the micro level all his physicality consists of mere waves and nothing solid. Scientists are clear that all particles on this planet can be broken down into atoms and at the minutest level these are waves bound together by some energy which give them certain characteristics. Scientists say that they have been able to understand a miniscule 5% of what life and its surroundings are. This makes us insignificant to the scheme of the universe and if truth is to be told then it is that ‘we hardly matter’. Yet we humans remain happily ignorant and indifferent to this reality. Spiritual thought leaders have also been saying the same things that life has no essential meaning but we humans chose to align ourselves towards religion which gives us an artificial purpose for living.

Everything on this planet is purely energy. This energy changes from one form to another but cannot be destroyed and doesn’t disappear. Change in energies is sometimes a normal process for example the eating and digestion of food inside the body, or the evaporation of water and its downpour as rain. During changes certain energies can coexist for example plants using water and sunlight to grow while other end up destroying each other for example fire burns the forest into ashes. When we humans in the quest of our satisfying our desires, go about mindlessly and quickly converting energies without assessing the impact that it has on the planet and over our life and lives of all creatures sharing this planet with us, we carry a great risk of bringing about situations which are non-reversible in nature and the resultant form of energy won’t accept us nor permit us to coexist. The life energy around and within us would then mutate itself, giving rise to new species and quite possibly we humans may cease to exist. We therefore need to balance. Balance our needs and desires, balance the energies and their compatibilities, and balance our comforts and our well-being, our existence along with those of other species on this planet. This is the only planet and the only environment where we can exist and survive, because the design of life and living organisms on this planet is unique, which is dependent on the environment available. Even if we humans wish to colonise another planet then we won’t continue to remain the same and rather the energy within us would mutate to become compatible with the environment of the other planet.

(To be continued)

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