Saturday, April 7, 2012


We humans have made our lives a constant struggle against every form of change. Every activity that we undertake is some sort of counter to the natural and daunting presence of uncertainties of change in every sphere of life. It’s a fight against the inevitable and so one-sided. Let us take a simple example of our fight against ageing. All of us would love to remain young forever; our youth is likened to vibrant hair, flawless skin, spring in our steps, confident laugh, positive thoughts and a general absence of pain and regret. We know that if and when we have enjoyed a certain phase of life with some or all the above experiences, it was never meant to last forever. Yet we pine to prolong the experience of youth as much as we can. People use the science of chemistry to convert chemicals into beauty products as well as medicines. While the latter can surely be attributed to relieving pain and disease the former is only a scam to appear beautiful against the natural forces. Undoubtedly they support the fearful mind up like crutches simply because we are unwilling to accept that we are really sick in the head. Moving further, instead of accepting and enjoying the moment as it comes to us we adopt a lot of dodging tactics and even stressful behavior which does more harm than the original event. Even a minor failure is unacceptable what do we talk of major ones, loss of money or face in unbearable, an affront whether unintentional is also unacceptable, a small discomfort is hated, any natural event which becomes a cause for unhappiness is treated with disdain and alarm bells ring for unfolding circuitous circumventions. We understand very well that the good has to coexist with the bad, a fall follows a raise, profit and loss are two sides of the same coin, that these are very natural and cannot be avoided. Yet we leave no stone unturned to try and skirt away from the bad events. We can lie, we can kill, we can run away, we can project an illusion, we can do so many things to perpetuate the best events and try and avoid the worst ones. Well, the only outcome that happens is we lose our health and peace of mind on one hand and the unavoidable also happens. We spend so much of our energies on such futile thought and behavior that we successfully accentuate the anxiety and it is this stress that does us harm. Let us accept that life is constant change in its original basic structure. There is nothing which can be called permanent. Everything is in a state of flux, everything around us is continuously changing. When the natural things change, the unnatural man made things are bound to change. Growth will be followed by destruction and then again there will be growth.  Uncertainty of change is a part and parcel of every individual even if it be a saint or a multi-billionaire or a beggar. None can avoid this and every common / uncommon act in that direction is bound to fail. Life would be simpler and happier if this fact can be accepted.   

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