Sunday, September 2, 2018


The first part of this piece was to highlight that nature is not a constant phenomenon but rather is constantly altering its character, changing its behavior, modifying its shape and structure. Geologically it is always in a lurch due to multiple forces and energies which are reacting with each other at all times. Humans instead of accepting and living with nature as it changes, has decided in his wisdom to modify and challenge nature. Human endeavor is to create a stable living condition for itself based on a presumptuous assumption that he could outlast nature and survive defying whatever conditions thrown at him. Such arrogance would be fatal in the short run. The end result for sure is that planet would survive humans just like it has it has seen the end of dinosaurs.  

This second piece is to take a closer look at things around us and hope that wisdom dawns on us.

When we see a tree some rather strange kind of peace and happiness creeps into our heart. A dense forest with huge and tall trees makes us wonder and increases the happiness manifolds. Picture of a dense rain forest enchants our imagination. The thoughts that come to our mind is not that of suffering and fighting but of some wonderful tranquility, which cannot be easily expressed in words. We long for some holidays in the peace and quiet of the forest, sit under a tree, near a stream, watch some animals go on with their life. It is not merely the fresh oxygen that attracts us to the trees. We also are envious of the harmony with which it exists with nature. We wish to share and become a part of this amity.

Let us not a silly moment assume that trees are unintelligent creatures. Trees have feelings and they take care of their friends. Trees together fend off the harshness of nature. They protect the animals living in their midst and also the smaller plant life. They ensure that life in whatever form survives in the forest or the wild. They have never fought nature but rather have prostrated themselves to the vagaries of nature if such a condition does come about like an earthquake or flood or wildfire. They have survived. Plant life and vegetation existed on this planet since the beginning of life itself. Today we humans extract coal from under the ground. Can we spare a second to think as to how do the todays trees survive when their ancestors were burnt to coal?

The vibrations that emanate from a tree or a forest are not that of a violent being which is uncomfortable in its existence. Had that been so, we would never venture anywhere near them. Tree bear up with nature, are not bothered with fighting against nature, continue with their peaceful coexistence, serve one and all with every aspect of its being, and these are the qualities that draw us towards them because we find these missing in us. In the bottom of our heart we realise that trees are wiser than us humans and we seek this wisdom from them.        

Moving on, the wise amongst us have said that there are two basic purposes of life. One is to simply be happy without reason and the other is to help other life forms coexist in peace. But since wisdom is an inflation driven over valued fictional commodity, we no more care for it. Commonly amongst us, we believe that it is not possible to be happy without reason. Essentially it needs some materialistic thing in our lives to make us happy. Be it money, wealth, tangible as well as intangible commodity and property, which will prove one amongst us to be superior to the other, pander to our desires and bloat our personal ego. In the process we do accept that it is perfectly fine to destroy one another since we have twisted the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ to its vilest and basest interpretation. When we no more care for fellow humans, to care for other life forms is a far-fetched argument and to abide by which would be foolish and coercive. We deem it too extravagant and against our fundamental human rights of survival.

Look at the havoc we have unleashed on our planet. To imagine that we propose to inhabit neighboring planets is so preposterous. But then to seek and desire more has been a stable human trait. We human have always been omnivorous and have therefore moved to more and more greener pastures hunting for food in the form of animals and fruits. The advent of agriculture diverted the desire of more and more to cultivable land. We then destroyed the trees and drove away the animals to make more and more land ours. Once villages were formed, we wanted better facilities and made them into towns and cities. Humans from villages wanted to move into cities and those from smaller cities to bigger cities. People from undeveloped countries wanted to move to developed countries. In this pursuit of more and better, we have battered the natural environment, we have hunted some birds and animals to extinction, and we have made the planet a big uncontrollable mess. So now we seek the next.

We no more seem to understand the definition of the word development. The western world took to materialism in a big way and considered themselves developed. Is it material wealth alone which signifies development? Is it development when such wealth is concentrated in the hands of only a few? Does the acquisition of material wealth through the destruction of natural environment and brutal repression as well as exploitation of fellow humans and animals connote development? We have witnessed recent history when the mighty western powers brought in globalization, forcing the undeveloped countries to accept WTO and other trade agreements so that they would be able to expand their market and grow further rich. Today when they realise that instead of their products, it is their jobs that have flown to those poor under developed countries all these agreements are being retracted and globalization is being revered. Similarly with climate change agreement, when the western countries grew economically they used only fossil fuel. Now when the under developed countries want to grow jogs through factories, the western countries want these undeveloped countries to retain forest cover, use no fossil fuel, and probably continue to remain poor, forever. We humans don’t even realise what our pursuits are costing us in terms of human sufferings. Policies have always been framed and implemented without considering their long term consequences on this planet and on every other life form. One such consequence we face today is global warming. Can any one country be insulated from the effects of global warming when the planet itself is getting warm, throwing rain, snow, floods, heat waves into unpredictable patterns. Migration has always been a human methodology to overcome difficult conditions set by nature. Today as a consequence to our short sighted policies (economic as well as political) we are witnessing countries blocking its borders and not permitting human migration. Is this the meaning and intent of development?

We humans need to understand and accept that it is false education that has lead us to this futile path, for which the destination is self-destruction alone. We are ruled by fear rather than love. We are short-sighted and selfish. Our religions are all worthless and we worship false gods. Unless we learn to sacrifice our personal interests and even ourselves for the common good of all, unless we learn to gauge the impact of our policies on the last man standing in the poorest country, unless we balance our needs and desires with those of animals and plants who share this planet with us, unless we use our talents and capabilities for the common benefit instead of personal benefit, we are doomed. Fortunately a few individuals who have become incomprehensibly rich in material terms realise this and have turned into philanthropists, channeling their wealth towards uplifting the living condition of the poor and those of animals who can’t speak out their sufferings.

The trees are mocking us our so called development. Can we make them our Guru and emulate them?    

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