Sunday, October 28, 2018


Discussing my thoughts on spirituality in a short format of a blog I considered a superfluous ego trip. Initially, that is. But the cynical voice inside wondered whether I could. So, not certain whether it would make sense to the readers, I decided to gamble recklessly into this trap.

Let’s begin from the beginning: Human beings are stated to be the highest form of evolution on this planet and yet we understand nothing about this life energy that is pulsating in every life form. What we know is that all elements on earth are made up of atoms with its electrons and nucleus made up of protons and neutrons; identical or different atoms combine together chemically to form molecules; a bunch of molecules form the cell, and multiple cells come together to become a life form. We have no idea why atoms combine together into molecules which is the basic building block of every life form. We have no idea whether it is the atom or its combination, the molecule, which has life energy because apparently that which we call non-living such as rocks and minerals also contain atoms. Somewhere a will is generated; they gain intelligence and start growing. Suddenly there is vibrant life energy in them and they wish to survive. That phenomenon which we define as desire is born. A remarkable creation unfolds all around. The cells grow but it is not permanent. It can collapse at any time because different kind of molecules feed on each other or one type of cells become food for others. This desire to grow includes to multiply and to reproduce itself which implies that sex is a basic requirement just after food and before shelter and clothing in all life forms. The growth of molecules in cells is uncertain and futile but this desire is always stronger than its futility. Thus even in the face of death which is certain, the desire for survival and growth seems to be the driving force of the life energy. No doubt we humans appreciate survival stories and the fighting spirit; all great stories which touch us are built around growth and the victory of the underdog over difficult conditions. Anyway, the truth is that we have no idea what this life energy is, why does creation happen, why desire is impermanent or why molecules collapse. It’s like we see flares rise from the surface of the sun and suddenly collapse as if it was a desire which collapsed. Human intelligence at present merely witnesses this as an event. 

Those atoms which do not grow or multiply seem to be unchanging, but they do change when temperatures increase or decrease. At extremely high temperatures even rocks melts into molten lava when they expand and at very low temperatures they do shrink. Thus non-moving things also come alive when the environment is right for them, when it suits them.   

Is there a design behind this creation: Evolution of life is one time immemorial work-in-progress; it has seen repeated back and forth movements, several new situations and their new solutions. Unraveling the purpose behind this amazing creation that we witness has been a favorite quest for the human mind since the time our species evolved. However apart from speculating about it, we have been unable to throw up any credible explanation. Life as we know it today has no real purpose. Therefore a lot of emphasis is placed on retaining a pleasant state of mind and being happy in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. Circumstances will always remain beyond our control and bound to change, the trick is in accepting this and becoming unaffected by prevailing conditions.

Given that to be so, it would seem that we wrestle too much with the idea of good and bad, sacred and evil, rebirth and karma. However these are not mere statements or mumbo-jumbo. Every molecule has a will to survive and they are emotional as well. While seeking help in their endeavor, they understand threats and risks, positive and negative thoughts. For example, simultaneously as our intelligent mind senses danger the whole body starts shivering in fear and every strand of hair stands out. Apart from the molecules, the life energy in the body is also connected to every other life energy and this energy is always aware, receiving and sending signals. The energies on this planet are organized in such a manner that good thoughts, actions and words begets good in return and bad is responded with bad. That which will help others survive, help their desire to create and brings out a smile is good. Bad deeds will only hurt the perpetrator in the long run. This however is a general statement because a lot many times the innocents are hurt, but that is what uncertainty and futility of life is all about. Therefore live with softness and hardness of the spirit, be gentle and be rough, using them both as the situation demands, knowing that both are for the situation and not for you. Know fully well that at any moment you too can collapse because nothing is permanent.

Molecules and the life energy are also connected. Molecules have desires and emotions, which the life energy helps execute. Their game is limited by two factors, one being the composition of the body, its properties, strengths and weaknesses and the other is the capability of the life energy itself. While the former is pretty simple to comprehend, nothing much is understood about the latter. I prefer to believe that regrets and unfulfilled desires that remain at the time of the final breath, is retained with the life energy and it carries forth the negativity into the next molecule. Likewise a satisfactory life results in positive energy being carried forth into the next. This impacts the strengths and limitations of the life energy in the next molecule. Such or similar concepts are widely accepted but not established beyond doubt. Many such concepts erstwhile accepted have also changed over time, so it is advisable to never treat them as sacrosanct. Challenge them always. Push their limits until change becomes acceptable and a new level is reached.

It is rightly said that you only live once provided that you means your ego. The molecules when they combine, needs the ego to protect itself so that it can grow. Ego provides a sense of identity to the huge combination of molecules. The ego manipulates other elements so that its own body can survive. Merely this much is the usefulness of the ego. Several regrets in life happen when we give the ego much more importance than it deserves. 

How to deal with the unknown - Religion versus Spirituality: My referring to the unknown here is referring to the life energy, to the ways in which atoms combine to finally shape into life forms, to the rules which govern nature and the universe.  Man has adopted two ways to deal with this unknown. One is when he doesn’t know, or doesn’t understand certain phenomenon, he has wisely decided to declare it so, rather than speculate on it. The other is to crystalize the unknown into a concept, give it a definition, properties, shape, and a benevolent character. While the former is being comfortable with the unknown, the latter is rooted in fear of the unknown.

Over time such mental perceptions become personal properties, and nobody is willing to let go of his, fearing a vague idea of self-destruction. The perception when agreed upon and accepted by others then becomes such a powerful force that it takes the form of a religion. In due course different religions tend to be evaluated. Disagreement with and ridicule of others religion arise, and a tendency erupts to portray one’s own as superior, starting a religious war. Religion is probably required, for human beings to subdue the fear of the unknown and to channelize efforts and energies into a constructive socially protective mechanism such as to encourage good deeds, care for parents and elders, develop kindness in behavior towards one and all, etc. All such human traits which are positive. Essentially religion was for those who couldn’t make sense of life in the midst of so much unknown, that they thought it necessary to consolidate the entire unknown into a theory of an all-knowing omnipresent and omnipotent God, and who yet remains his look alike. Such people pray to their personal God for his protection and for the fulfilment of their desires. This can be seen as reasonable since they are communicating with the life energy inside them, which infact is protecting them all the time.

On the other hand when the unknowns are permitted to remain unknowns and emphasis is laid either on deciphering it or trying to identify with it, then it is spirituality.  For example, Buddha’s and Mahavir’s teachings were purely spiritual. Unfortunately it is another matter that today we have downgraded both of these to religion. The goal of spirituality is to become one with the unknown, the universal life energy or to experience it firsthand. Call it nirvana or moksh whatever one may choose. It is a direct journey into the unknown. The intriguing part is that those who have travelled the road, have explained how others may travel but have been unable to explain the feeling of the journey and that of the destination in human vocabulary. It is such a fluid, ever changing, impermanent state that it defies description. People who have undertaken the journey have simply cautioned mankind to be weary of this impermanence and not to give undue importance to the physical visible world. They call it futile exercise.   

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